Millions of couples hope to have children, but they struggle with the heartache of infertility. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is extremely popular these days, and many couples are resorting to it – despite its invasive, complicated, and not-always-successful nature.
Is it possible for couples to overcome infertility without IVF? The answer is yes.
There is a natural and more ethical way to overcome infertility. First, let’s take a look at why you should look for a more natural alternative to IVF, then let’s discuss that approach.
Why Look for Alternatives to IVF?
People who consider themselves pro-life, including the Catholic Church, object to in vitro fertilization because it replaces the natural and supernatural act of procreation with an impersonal, perfunctory laboratory procedure.
During IVF, the lab technicians essentially take over the functions of God Himself. The dignified and joyful act of matrimony is replaced, and numerous children are created by people who have no intentions of letting them all live – or do so unwittingly.
Naturally Overcoming Infertility
Natural procreative technology (NaProTechnology, or NPT) works within the moral framework of respecting human life and God’s role as the Giver of it. NPT works to restore a couple’s natural fertility, rather than artificially creating embryos in a Petri dish.
During a couple’s first visit, a doctor will take a thorough history and conduct physical exams. The couple is also advised that they should pray together every day to ask God’s favor on their attempts to have a child.
In addition, they are asked to keep a chart of the woman’s reproductive cycle. This chart will help to cast light on the intricacies of the woman’s condition, and can reveal many clues that can help improve fertility.
The next step is to assess the couple for any toxins and nutritional deficiencies. Infertile couples are at a higher risk of problems that can cause birth defects, miscarriage, third-trimester problems, and long-term brain development of a baby. These issues should be addressed to help prevent miscarriage or an unhealthy child.
Next, the husband needs to be evaluated. Some men have genetic disorders that prevent them from impregnating their wives. If this is the case, they should be counseled and encouraged to adopt a child.
Some men need surgical procedures to remedy infertility issues. In some cases, they need to be counseled on eating better and taking better care of their health. Certain medications can cause male infertility, and these should be replaced with other medications.
Next, the anatomical integrity of the female reproductive tract needs to be assessed. Some conditions can be treated and/or cured with surgery.
After the couple’s potential issues have been addressed, regular follow-up is required to maximize fertility and minimize miscarriage. Couples might not achieve pregnancy until six months or even a year after an operation – so patience is key.
Problems with IVF
Most couples entering into in vitro fertilization may not realize the potential nightmares the process involves. First of all, the miscarriage rate of IVF is much higher than most doctors let on. The statistics assessing fertility programs are mostly skewed and greatly inflate the actual effectiveness of artificial fertility methods.
There are also awful stories involving busy IVF clinics that take fertilized eggs from couples whose IVF treatments were successful and trade them with eggs from couples whose previous IVFs were unsuccessful, without knowledge or consent from either couple. The clinics do this to increase their own success rate.
Some IVF clinics are notorious for urging couples to sign a form promising that if the woman becomes pregnant with more than twins (such as triplets, quadruplets, etc.), the couple will allow the termination of the “extra” babies. These clinics call this practice “multifetal pregnancy reduction,” which essentially allows any babies after two (in the same pregnancy) to be killed, and allowing only two to remain in the womb.
Incidentally, our medical practice advises people not to adhere to this agreement even if they did sign it. It’s not a legal, enforceable document.
Another problem with IVF is the many embryos it creates. There are hundreds of thousands of “surplus embryos” that have been left in freezers. In order to dispose of these embryos, some fertility clinics have been known to just leave the embryos out of the freezer, showing a complete disregard for the humanity of the embryos.
Pro-Life Fertility Doctor
NPT helps physicians by offering a successful, ethical alternative to the moral pitfalls and nightmares of artificial fertility methods. Couples who have the faith to keep trying are more likely to succeed, and NPT may be the answer to their prayers.
There are numerous success stories using NPT. Are you ready to be one of those success stories?
Call us today at (818) 448-0213 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Paddy Jim Baggot, or visit our website to find out more. Dr. Baggot believes in the dignity of life, and he strives to help couples be successful in their wonderful quest for having a baby.